
Top 5 FREE JavaScript Books and PDF

Who don't love free eBooks and Programmers especially like it? Here is my collection of 5 good free JavaScript books, some of them are free to read online, but there are couples for which you can download PDF, EPUB or MOBI version to read offline on your device.

1. Eloquent JavaScript

Eloquent JavaScript is an interactive book about JavaScript and programming written by Marijn Haverbeke. The good thing about this book is that you can try the examples on the fly, books give you the option to edit and run it right there from the book itself.

The integration of the code examples into the text is really smooth. Marin Haverbek has done an excellent job, both in explaining things like functional programming and prototype-based Object-Oriented programming to JavaScript beginners without moving far away from the traditional book but still leveraging the benefit of the interactive book.

Best book to learn JavaScript for FREE

In short, one of the best book on JavaScript which you can read free of cost.  The epub version of the book is also available for reading offline on your iPad or Smartphone.

You can read it online on their site or you get your own paperback copy of the book. You can also download the Eloquent JavaScript book as a single PDF file for FREE.

And if you like to learn from online courses, then here is a collection of some of the best free online JavaScript courses.

2. JavaScript Guide

JavaScript Guide is not a book but more than a book. It's the official tutorial from Mozilla, contributed by community expert.

The best thing about this resource is that it's one of the most up-to-date resources because it's online and both Mozilla and JavaScript community keeps it up-to-date.

Free JavaScript books for PDF download

3. Speaking JavaScript

Another great book to learn JavaScript, as the title, says an in-depth guide for programmers.

Dr. Axel has done a wonderful job in explaining the complex concept in an easy way. Code examples are not trivial and help to understand the concept better.

This book is free to read online, PDF download option is not available but if you want you can get the paperback version of this book here.

Free JavaScript book read online

4. JavaScript The Right Way

JavaScript: The Right way is not a book, but an online guide intended to introduce new developers to JavaScript and help experienced developers learn more about JavaScrip language, idioms, and its best practices.

This site is a collection of articles, tips, and tricks from top JavaScript developers. As per the author, Since it comes from exceptional folks, we could say that it is "the right way", or the best way to do so.

What I like most about this book is an extensive collection of resources. You will find JavaScript patterns, testing tools, frameworks, libraries, games engines, podcasts, screencasts and news all in one place.
Free JavaScript books

5. Canvassing
Canvassing book teaches you how to use JavaScript & the HTML5 canvas tag for games, art & different creative coding. You will learn about drawing paths, shapes, and images on the canvas.

You will learn about how to create games in JavaScript, detecting mouse and keyboard events, creating complex animation sequences and learn how to use video on the canvas.

The book is only free for reading online but if you can purchase the PEF, EPUB and MOBI version or screencast from the website itself.

good book to learn JavaScript

That's all in this list of free JavaScript books for Programmers and Web Developers. You can download them or read online they are free as long as you have an internet connection. Though it's better to download PDF for offline reading if you are accessing the internet from the cyber cafe, school, or college lab.

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